『From Ashiya to the world』
We opened the first CARDANO STAKEPOOL in Ashiya.
We will use the profits from the operation of our ADA POOL to create human resources who can play an active role 'from Ashiya to the world'.
There are about 3,000 STAKEPOOLs in existence, but most of them are not able to generate the dividends that are received every 1 EPOCH or 5 days.
ASHIYA POOL is using the latest security and server specs to ensure that you can delegate and delegate with a target of 3 million ADA.
Although the fixed costs of running the servers have risen over the years, we still charge a fixed commission of 3%.
We will advertise on social networking sites and in other areas so that we can distribute the stable rewards as soon as possible.
We currently have 157.78K ADA delegated to us.
The future of the ASHIYA POOL is to be able to pay out stable dividends to everyone in this pool.
We, Ashiya Pool, will use part of the reward for the development and nurturing of music, art and culture, especially for children in Ashiya City, under the theme 'From Ashiya to the World'.
Providing a place for children who want to perform live.
Providing musical instruments to children who want to play music
Inviting them to live events
Support for children who want to become engineers
Support for content dissemination on social networking sites as well
Support for children who want to make radio programmes or become DJs
Support for improving English pronunciation and communication skills
Support from music theory to song writing
Support for composing with DTM
Workshops and other events are organised by inviting lecturers for different genres.
We are looking forward to your support for the creation of human resources who can play an active role "from Ashiya to the world".
Please inspect with CARDANO SCAN etc.
POOL Name AshiyaPool
POOL HASH a79aedbfe592557a1779f521f4b9c7693f89f36d449970c0974efe32
Pool ID pool157dwm0l9jf2h59me75slfww8dylcnumdgjvhpsyhfmlry4cn44a